Friday, July 17, 2009

Internet Strolls

I'm not sure how many others like me there are who start out an evening looking for one thing online and end up with twenty or so tabbed pages open ranging from the start to where you wind up when you think 'gee I should write about this'.

I do this quite often, a stroll across the internet. Its like window shopping but involves no currency, and burns no calories (usually). It can be likened to a walk through a botanical garden finding beauty in the strangest places. It can be like a hike starting at a point near the base of a mountain suddenly you blink and wonder how you got where you ended up - safe, and you remember the whole trip, but the time flew by as you reveled in each page's wonder, beauty, horror, laughter etc.

I wouldn't trade these strolls for anything - because I usually start one feeling low, and wanting to lift myself or my spirits out of the darkness out of whatever foul mood I found myself in. Tonight was no exception.

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