Friday, July 17, 2009

Story Does Not End - Here

The last few days have been rough, very much so. The time in the not-so-distant future will likely be the same, as things - personal things are going on here at home. Things I won't share here, just know its not as simple as 'well just fix it'. Life isn't a plumbing problem, or a flat tire. Fixing a symptom won't solve anything, it helps, but not long term.

I had every intention of calling it a night early, and going to bed at like 8pm. But then a friend messaged me by email, "Can you get on yahoo, I could use a friend." To myself I thought, 'how am I going to help him right now, when I can barely keep my own emotions in check?' but I didn't hesitate, I logged into yahoo, and spent the next hour plus talking back & forth with him. We shared our current favorite songs, which led me to adding bands to my myspace again because their music just 'fit' the situation, and the songs explained so much more than our words alone ever could.

We're both having 'life' problems. Relationships are hard, life is hard. The term 'relationship' for some of us means more than bf/gf or spouses, our daily interactions with friends, and other family also constitute relationships - and are often subjects of our life problems. Not everything we deal with has to do with our significant other - sometimes they do, but the two are not mutually exclusive. Tonight's music was a wide variety between the two of us, but it led each of us to some interesting websites - through the music.

There's an artist by the name of Sharon Little, who has a song called "Follow that Sound" - tonight that's kind of what we did. We each picked our songs, our bands, and found a link on that band's myspace page - that took us somewhere else - even if it was the band's personal website. For me that's what led me here to writing this blog.

One of my all-time favorite bands is Skillet - a Christian rock band from Nashville, TN (I think?). They have a new song out called "Monster", that song so accurately describes how I feel sometimes with my manic episodes (I'm bipolar for those just joining - or who haven't already learned that from me telling you). Monster is a rowdy, loud, anthem that's begging for help with internal struggles of good vs evil or in my case self vs illness. its the 2nd song in the player. This is where tonight's roadtrip really started.

I went from their myspace to their actual website: where I found a link that looked interesting - it was. To Write Love on Her Arms - Twloha. All I can say is look at the website for yourself - because I think everyone will find something uniquely applicable to their situation in that little link. Lots of pages, lots of info. But here's what struck me. I like videos - so I clicked on one that simply said Renee, 3years.
(its this one: ) - The girl in it talks about "Their scars are their storyboard." I know a few people besides myself right now who need this - they could benefit from this - its JUST PEOPLE. Yes this is a Christian website - but as they say - its just people. Its not religion - its just loving people.

There's a line in the vision statement for Twloha that really caught my attention and it is this: people need other people, that we were never meant to do life alone.
The vision is hope, and hope is real.
You are not alone, and this is not the end of your story.

How many emails did you get today that were negative? How many lines did you read today that said what those 3 did? Why doesn't this stuff make the news.

Now for those more up on popular culture - the Vans Warped tour - its a bunch of bands - geared towards rock, punk, alternative etc style music - and this TWLOHA is there on tour with those bands - big names, small names, screamo, rock eveyrthing in between - where its needed. Lastly look up the links in the 'find help' section. Read the website - listen to the bands - underoath is featured in places like HotTopic and more - most never realize the band's deepseated faith until they bother to look beyond the tattoos and the screamo music - to listen to the messages.

- until next time - or when I get up courage to post a poem from my private blog


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